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1   package net.trajano.twiff;
3   /***
4    * Subclass of {@link net.trajano.twiff.TwiffException} when there is a problem
5    * constructing the builder.
6    * 
7    * @author Archimedes Trajano
8    */
9   public class ContainerBuilderException extends TwiffException {
10      /***
11       * Construct a new exception with no cause and no detail message.
12       */
13      public ContainerBuilderException() {
14          super();
15      }
17      /***
18       * Construct a new exception with no cause and the specified detail message.
19       * 
20       * @param message
21       *                   the message detailing the exception
22       */
23      public ContainerBuilderException(final String message) {
24          super(message);
25      }
27      /***
28       * Construct a new exception with the specified cause and the specified
29       * detail message.
30       * 
31       * @param message
32       *                   the message detailing the exception
33       * @param cause
34       *                   the exception that caused this one
35       */
36      public ContainerBuilderException(final String message, final Throwable cause) {
37          super(message, cause);
38      }
40      /***
41       * Construct a new exception with the specified cause and no detail message.
42       * 
43       * @param cause
44       *                   the exception that caused this one
45       */
46      public ContainerBuilderException(final Throwable cause) {
47          super(cause);
48      }
50  }